Zarion Corporate Social Responsibility

Zarion Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy reflects the steps that we are taking to ensure we remain a good corporate citizen. Our social responsibility encompasses everything we do that has an impact on society and is closely tied to our values and behaviors as an organization.

Zarion’s CSR efforts are guided by the Triple Bottom Line concept, as we give careful consideration to the People, Environment and Economics. We focus on assessing our actions both internally and externally in order to maintain a positive balance between the 3 areas.

Focusing on what really matters

Focusing on what really matters

Our CSR efforts are centered around the following key areas:

Doing right by the People

  • Our employees
  • Our customers
  • Our community


Looking after the Environment

  • Improving the work environments in which the Zarion platform is deployed
  • Minimising our carbon footprint
  • Minimising negative impacts on the environment and natural resources


Offsetting our Carbon Footprint with Forestry Ireland

Offsetting our Carbon Footprint with Forestry Ireland

In 2020, we implemented a company-wide imitative to reduce and offset our  carbon footprint as part of the Irish Tech Goes Carbon Neutral program with Forestry Partners. This is a fantastic initiative to position Irish business at the forefront of global climate change mitigation projects.

In 2021, we are planting another 100 native Irish trees under our research program with Trinity College Dublin, which investigates how automation, intelligent technologies and employees can collaborate in a more efficient and humane way that is better for people, the organisation and the broader work environment.   

Read More to find out more about our Carbon Neutral journey.

Exceeding Fundraising Targets Year on Year

We love making a difference for a good cause. Fundraising is in our DNA and we’re always looking to diversify our efforts every year.

Just some of the charities supported by Zarion: